Andrea nove

andrea close up

Andrea Nove (PhD) has 30 years’ experience of designing and implementing research projects, data analysis and knowledge management. Since graduating with a PhD in social statistics in 2011, Andrea has developed a strong personal interest and impressive track record in generating and using data relating to sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health (SRMNAH).

Andrea has been Technical Director of Novametrics since its founding in 2016. Prior to that, she was the Senior Technical Adviser at ICS Integrare, a not-for-profit research institute well known for its expertise in health systems and health workforce research. She was also a Technical Adviser at Options Consultancy Services, leading the monitoring and evaluation for a 5-year multi-country SRMNAH programme. Before returning to full-time education in 2006, Andrea spent 15 years working in market and social research, with a focus on quantitative research methods.

Andrea is a Visiting Fellow at Southampton University.

Martin boyce

Martin in Rwanda

Martin Boyce (MPhil) is a chartered engineer with 30 years’ experience leading and developing businesses. He has been Managing Director of Novametrics since its founding in 2016. He has developed and implemented comprehensive data collection, monitoring and reporting systems, as well as workforce planning and forecasting models. He is an advanced user of Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic and Project, and is skilled at analysing large and complex datasets and presenting results in a clear, visual and compelling manner.

kirsty hughes

Kirsty Mar21

Kirsty Hughes (MSc) joined Novametrics in 2019 as a Research Assistant, and is currently studying part-time for a Master’s degree in research methods to complement her earlier qualifications in resource planning. She led the quality assurance process for the primary quantitative data collection done for the State of the World’s Midwifery 2021 report, and is also skilled in qualitative data analysis and reporting. Her earlier work experience required skills in: process design, facilitation and testing of participative approaches to public consultation, training and presentations.

our projects

SoWMy 2021

In recent years, we have collaborated with:

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Health Organization (WHO) and International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) to lead the development of the third global State of the World's Midwifery report, launched in May 2021

The Lancet identified the State of the World's Midwifery research as one of the top ten major stories in health and medicine in 2021.

UNFPA on health workforce assessments in four regions: Arab States, East & Southern Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Pacific Island Countries.

ICM on the monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) for the 50,000 Happy Birthdays midwife education and training programme in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Tanzania.

Options UK on the development of an accountability measurement framework and tool for global health initiatives.

Save the Children on the monitoring and evaluation of several adolescent health and education programmes in Mozambique and Nigeria.

GIZ on a health workforce assessment in Nepal.

WHO and the Global Fund on the development of a technical briefing document for those applying for support for human resources for health.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on the development and delivery of a short training course on gender disaggregation in the collection and use of crime statistics.

WHO on the development of a tool to assess the health workforce implications of health policy and programming.

UNFPA on the production of a report about the work of midwives in humanitarian and fragile settings.

PMNCH on a systematic literature review of professional accountability mechanisms for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health.

International Labour Organization (ILO) on a method to estimate the number of workers in non-health occupations who support the health workforce to deliver health services.

selection of papers and publications

Hughes, K., B. Mabo, S. Mandke, A. Nove (2025). “”How are you going to remove that cobweb?” Midwifery Services Framework implementation in Zambia: a case study.” Women and Birth 38(2): 101889.
Nove, A., M. Boyce et al (2024). “Increasing the number of midwives is necessary but not sufficient: using global data to support the case for investment in both midwife availability and the enabling work environment.” Human Resources for Health 22: 54.
Halim, A., A.S. Abdullah, F. Rahman, O. Bazirete, S. Turkmani, K. Hughes, S. Castro Lopes, A. Nove et al (2024). “Midwife-led birthing centre in the humanitarian setup: An experience from the Rohingya camp, Bangladesh.” PLOS Global Public Health 4(12): e0004033.
Callander, E, V.Scarf, A.Nove ... M.Boyce (2024). "Midwife-led birthing centres in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Uganda: an economic evaluation of case study sites." BMJ Global Health 9: e013643
Nabirye, R.C., S.N. Mbalinda, J. Epuitai, ... A. Nove et al (2024). "Perceptions of quality of care in Midwife-led Birth Centres (MLBCs) in Uganda: why do women choose MLBCs over other options?" Womend and Birth 37: 101612
Bazirete, O., K. Hughes, ... A. Nove et al (2023). "Midwife-led birthing centres in four countries: a case study."  BMC Health Services Research 23: 1105
MacFeely, M, A. Nove et al (2023). "What labour force survey data can tell us about the workforce in the health and social care sector: a review of data from 56 countries." Geneva: ILO
Nove, A., O. Ajuebor et al (2023). "The roles and involvement of global health partners in the health workforce: an exploratory analysis." Human Resources for Health 21: 41
Nove, A, O. Bazirete et al (2023). "Which low- and middle- income countries have midwife-led birthing centres and what are the main characteristics of these centres?" Midwifery 123: 103717
Turkmani, S., A. Nove et al (2023). "Exploring networks of care in implementing midwife-led birthing centres in low- and middle- income countries: a scoping review". PLOS Global Public Health 3(5): e0001936
Neal, S., A. Nove et al (2023). "An analysis of the global diversity of midwifery pre-service education pathways." Women and Birth 36(5):439-445

Neal, S., M. Bokosi, D. Lazaro, S. Vong, A. Nove et al (2022). “Diverse pre-service midwifery education pathways in Cambodia and Malawi: a qualitative study utilising a midwifery education pathway conceptual framework.” Midwifery 103547

Nove, A., P. ten Hoope-Bender, M. Boyce et al (2021). The State of the World's Midwifery 2021 report: findings to drive global policy and practice.” Human Resources for Health 19:146

Martin Hilber, A., P. Doherty, A. Nove et al (2020). The development of a new accountability measurement framework and tool for global health initiatives.” Health Policy and Planning 10.1093.

Nove, A., A. Dingle, M. Boyce, K. Hughes (2019). “Respectful Maternity Care"  UNFPA ESARO

Nove, A., A. Martin Hilber & C. Blake (2019). “Professional accountability for women’s children’s and adolescents’ health: What mechanisms and processes are used, what works? A systematic literature review.” Geneva: PMNCH.

Nove, A., S. Pairman et al (2018). The development of a global Midwifery Education Accreditation Programme.” Global Health Action 11(1): 1489604.

Garg, S., N. T. Moyo, Nove, A. et al (2018). “The Midwifery Services Framework: Lessons learned from the initial stages of implementation in six countries.” Midwifery 62:189-195.

Nove, A., N.T. Moyo et al (2018). “The Midwifery Services Framework: The process of implementation.” Midwifery 58:96-101.

Nove, A., P. ten Hoope-Bender et al (2017). “The Midwifery Services Framework: What is it, and why is it needed?” Midwifery 57:54-58.

Myint, P., Kyi, O., Nove, A., Pozo Martin, F. (2017). “Myanmar SRMNAH workforce assessment.” Yangon: UNFPA.

Neal, S., S. Mahendra, K. Bose, A. V. Camacho, M. Mathai, A. Nove et al (2016). The causes of maternal mortality in adolescents in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of the literature.” BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16:352: DOI: 10.1186/s12884-016-1120-8.

Ruktanonchai, C.W., N.W. Ruktanonchai, A. Nove et al (2016). Equality in maternal and newborn health: Modelling geographic disparities in utilisation of care in five East African countries.” PLoS ONE 11(8): e0162006.

Scheil-Adlung, X. & A. Nove (2016). “Global estimates of the size of the health workforce contributing to the health economy: The potential for creating decent work in achieving universal health coverage.” Policy brief no. 17, High Level UN Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth.

Nove, A., M. Guerra Arias et al (2015). “Analysis of the midwifery workforce in selected Arab countries”. Cairo: UNFPA.

Isbell, M., I. Simpson, Z. Matthews, J-P. Monet, L. Sochas, A. Nove (2015).  “Saving lives, protecting futures: Progress report on the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health.” New York: Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General.

Nove, A., L. Hulton, et al (2014).  “Establishing a baseline to measure change in political will and the use of data for decision-making in maternal and newborn health in six African countries.” International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2014(127):102-107. 

Nove, A., Z. Matthews, et al (2014).  “Maternal mortality in adolescents compared with women of other ages: evidence from 144 countries.” The Lancet Global Health.